By Using the Support of your Network
There are many ways to get new customers for your business, yet many are rarely explored by Small Businesses. In this blog, we look at 3 ways you can enhance your capability of getting new customers, by employing simple tactics and strategies consistently
It is said that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of no more than 5 acquaintances.
What does that actually mean for your ability to get new customers?
You are always just a step or two away from being in front of your PERFECT customer. You just don’t know it yet; and you are perhaps unaware of someone in your existing network that could make that relationship happen.
So here’s a few tips.
1. Promote Your Value
The only person that are going to shout about the greatness of your business is you – or the people working within the business. Make sure you spread the word far and wide, through any relevant marketing channel. People are watching and listening – and they know people!
Share more of your success stories on Social Media, so those relevant people can see the value you deliver. That’ll keep you in their mind for when either they, or someone they know, needs your services.
You don’t have to be all out “‘oh look how great I am.”
It can be much more subtle than that.
Rather than, “My client has doubled their income, and it’s all because of me.”
You could instead opt for:
“I’m very proud of my client. Since working with us, they have tirelessly worked on their marketing, and have shown the world just how valuable they are to their clients, and it is no wonder that they have seen their business turnover double. A great team like this deserves this great success”.
How about trying one of these posts each week as a way to get new customers, in a value-rich approach?
2. Ask for introductions to potential New Customers
Have you made it clear to those people that already know you, and are in your world, that you would like introductions to your ideal customer?
As the saying goes, “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”
Ask for at least 4 introduction every month (just one a week), and when that becomes comfortable, up that number. This is a surefire way to get new customers that you might not yet be exploring.
“Hi <name>
I can see you are connected to <name> on LinkedIn, and I [insert reason for wishing to be introduced, e.g. very much admire their approach to xxx, and would like to find out more]. I wondered if it would be possible to introduce us to each other?
It would be hugely appreciated, and I will happily return the favour when the time is right for you.”
3. Use Referrals as a way to get new customers
Do you have a referral system in place?
People are often very willing to refer you but need a framework to help them spread the word. Not knowing the process can mean inaction! Having something in place, no matter how formal or informal, will help the process here.
Think about who you have in your world
- Family
- Friends
- Clients
- Past clients
- Suppliers
- Peers & connections
- Your database
- Partnerships.
Who could you approach with a referral offer, as a way to get new customers?
This will help you to start utilising your connections and acquaintances and spreading the word about your business, just by asking those people in your world to support you.
- Free Gift
- £x for each referred customer that buys
- Free product/service for you / Free product/service for you
- Credit or Points for Referral
- Vouchers
- Kickback for Partners
- Monthly recurring income
- Name in the hat for a star prize
Remember: people you know, know people – so ensure you consider this as a core way to get new customers within your Marketing Strategy.
In our Inner Circle Programme, we teach you a new lead generation strategy every single month, and help you implement it. Find out more about this results-focused business growth programme here.