The 4 ‘W’s every Small Business needs to Kick-start their Marketing

Running a small business is tough.

Not only do you have to actually run the business you also have to keep a constant flow of customers.

And that is particularly hard as Christmas approaches, when everyone starts focusing on selection packs & tinsel (you should see my local co-op).

So, how do you make sure that you keep customers coming in and you don’t lose momentum through the approaching festive season?

You give your Marketing a big old ‘Kick-start’ to take you into the new year and beyond by making sure you have the 4 ‘W’s in place.

How to get your 4 ‘W’s in place to Kick-start Your Marketing:

  1. ‘Why’ are you doing this thing called ‘Marketing’?

Think about what you need your business to turnover by the end of the year, what volume of customers do you want to end 2016 with and what ambition will you set yourself for 2017?. There are lots of ways to boost your business turnover by thinking of how you maximise every new and existing customer spend.

  1. ‘Who’ exactly are the customers you want and need?

There are right customers and there are the customers that will drain you, and drag your focus away from those really valuable people. This can mean you don’t get the business growth you want, fast enough. Profiling the right customers to within an inch of their lives puts your focus where the profit is.

  1. ‘Where’ are those customers and how do you find them?

It can feel like everyone is on social media and if your business is not on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter etc you will miss out. Knowing exactly where your customers are will make you feel confident that you don’t have to be on every social media platform, you just need to be on the right ones at the right times.

  1. ‘What’ are you actually going to say to turn a stranger to a customer?

A famous person in Marketing, said a very long time ago, ‘you need to enter the conversation in your customer’s head’. This really has stood the test of time. You need to find out what is going on in the customers mind or you can have a brilliant product that just never appeals.

These 4 ‘W’s are essential to the success of any Marketing and the more time you invest in getting them right, the better your chances of success. They underpin everything you should do, to get results, not only in Marketing but also in Sales.

If you would like to get your four ‘W’s on track, and learn how not to waste time and money on the wrong Marketing then sign up here to join us in November & December at venues in Portsmouth & Fareham for a 3 hour action-packed workshop to ‘Kick-start Your Marketing’.

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