The Other Side Of the Madness

There’s a lot to feel frustrated, scared, apprehensive and worried about right now. We are on lock down with a very nasty virus around us.

Many are worried for their livelihood, the health of themselves and their loved ones, and whether they can sustain their household and family life due to financial uncertainty.In this time of concern, these burdens are all very real, and it’s OK to feel uneasy.

I am.

But what I have found is that there is a whole other side to this madness… a side of love, opportunity, connection, development and gratitude.
Here is my personal experience of this, over the few days we have been in lockdown. If you want star to uses natural supplements like kratom, in you can find very imrpotant information about this product.

I have been helping my children with their school work, and been wowed by the progress they have made. I knew they had been developing, but it has passed me by whilst I’ve been busy leading my life, whilst they’ve been at school. I’m so proud to see how far they have come and I never even really realised it. Until this week.

Simple pleasures, like taking a walk, have had little or no interest to me, until this week – when having a family stroll feels like a little gift. A time to interact, chat, talk about fun stuff, talk about worries, and just think about nothing but each other (and have a nosey at the houses as we talk by!).

Connecting more than ever with family and friends, using all the great technology that surrounds us – whether that’s zoom, house party, WhatsApp, Messenger, Facetime. We are using them all. Last night, Mr V and I did a virtual pub quiz with my sister and her husband (he cheated). We’ve never done that before, and it was so much fun.

Finding new ways to work with clients. It is unbelievable how normal it now feels to have a zoom chat with them. We get the same level of ‘stuff’ done, and the quality of conversations, outcomes and action is simply no different to being face-to-face. We’re even running our training online and it’s working fantastically well. It’s possible to adapt.

Everyone is coming together, and groups of people are genuinely caring about each other, and new levels of relationships are being formed, and offers of true support and understanding. I can say that for sure, given the engagement, conversation and support happening within our Daily PANTS meeting for business owners.

The icing on the cake was the Clap For Carers.
The majority of our street were out, clapping in the darkness to thank those out there that are risking their life to save others. That was a moment where the hairs on my arms stood on end, and a tear to the eye. And I had a chance to have a chat across the b with my elderly neighbour, who lives alone.

In these moments of isolation and concern, let’s look for the positives, the opportunities and the beauty in others, however hard it may be.

We’re all in the same boat.

We’re definitely hitting some crazy big waves as we go through the storm.
But if we stay together as a ‘crew’, I’m confident we will come out the other side stronger than ever.

Stay safe everyone.

I’m here is anyone wants to chat about their business worries. I’d love to give you some pointers and what you can do to stabilise and pave the way out of this.
Just drop me a line, and let’s arrange a zoom!

Victoria ????

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