The Importance of ‘Try Before You Buy’

This morning, I came down the stairs in my new dress….
Only to be laughed back upstairs again by Mr V.

You see, I popped into a shop recently and thought “oh, that stripy dress is in the sale. And there’s loads of them…. I’m sure they’ll have my size”. I didn’t try it on as I don’t like to waste time (oh the irony).

They did have my size.

The fact was, they had EVERYONE’s size.

It turns out, there was a reason that those dresses had all been left behind.


It made me think about selling our products or services as business owners.

There are reasons why people try before they buy – and when it comes to a lot of our businesses, “trying before they buy” means checking your business out before they make contact directly with a human; largely to convince themselves that they’re on to a good company, they’re not wasting their time, and you have what they need.

This is even more true in a business-to-business (B2B) environment, where the sales processes can be notoriously longer.

So they will:

  • Go to your website and find out more about you.
  • Check out your reviews – on review sites, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook….
  • Have a good ol’ nose through those social media profiles.

They will generally do all that before they even make contact with you directly.

In fact, it’s proven that 80% of a purchasing decision has already been made in the research, before they make that direct contact.

So that leads to another question….

Are you blessed with “word of mouth” customers?
Many people say that word of mouth is the reason they get sales. Perhaps that’s partly true… but I know that’s only part of the reason. The other part is what they are able to glean online, and in their upfront research on your company.

So that’s why Marketing has to take a huge heap of the responsibility when it comes to sales.

So I’d invite you to ask yourself this question:

“Can my potential customers access everything they need, that will give them the tools and information in which to make a decision, in an easy and simplistic way?”

While you do so, I’ll be returning my dressing gown/dress!

Victoria ????

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