Creating Content for Social Media

Content Marketing is the practice of creating and distributing content that is highly valuable to a specific customer type. Here, we discuss Creating Content for Social Media and our top tips to make sure you are successful.

Here’s those Top Tips for Creating Compelling Content

1. Remember it’s all about relationship building.
Just like you wouldn’t meet someone and ask them to marry you, nor can you meet someone that is your ideal customer and start to sell to them. Your job is to build a relationship with them so that they get to know you, like you, trust you.

2. Planning
Planning your content in advance not only helps you to save time, but also gives you the chance to think about your goals as a business, and create content that aligns to them. That’s one way to ensure that you are always creating content with purpose.

3. Think of your customers pain points, needs, wants, desires
You need to get under the skin of the ideal customer profile. We call these STAR customers, which is an acronym:

Superior: the right fit for your business – an A grade customer
Targeted: You know all about them, so can target them with the right content
Acquirable: You know where to go to get them
Results-Focused: They know you’re worth, and will pay you accordingly

By understanding them inside and out, you get the chance to create content that helps support them and gives great value in helping them overcome challenges, or move forward in some way. That’s how they get to know you, like you and trust you.

4. Consistency
Not only does consistency support you in terms of the algorithms in the social media platforms recognising your ongoing loyalty and support for them, but consistency is important for this reason:

It takes 7 to 15 interactions with a brand before someone is even willing to consider buying from them.

Wow! So if you are not consistent, you are not building up this relationship, and in turn, you will not get a loyal following that are building that relationship with you that ultimately creates your future sales.

5. Repurpose
There is little point in creating hundreds of different pieces of content. Keep on track towards your goals and create content that supports that. Look at what content you have produced in the past, and re-hash it so that it gets a new lease of life. For example, if you have written a 10-Steps blog, that is 10 different social media posts.

6. The Rule of 3
Whenever you create a new piece of content, think about 3 different ways you can produce it, e.g. an article on LinkedIn can also become a quick video for FB and Insta, as well as a discussion on Clubhouse! Whoop whoop!

7. Call to Actions
Make sure you consider the calls to action in your content. As above, you can’t just lead to a sale. It might be that you invite people’s comments on the post. It might be asking them to download a guide. Whatever it is, create a call to action. People don’t act unless we tell them to do so.

8. Next Logical Step
When you are creating content, don’t just think about the END GAME of what your ideal customer wants to achieve. Think about their next step. If they are a 4 out of 10, then don’t try to get them to a 10/10, help them take a step forward and become a 6/10 first! That type on content gives instant gratification, which is essential. For example, if you are helping people to get better at their financial planning for their business, you don’t want to try and give them EVERYTHING straight away. It’s overwhelming, Start by telling them the three top numbers they need to watch to make smart financial decisions for their business.

9. The Splinter Model
If you are stuck on what content to put ‘out there’ then start by writing three core things that you are expert at. E,g, a florist will be expert at Wedding Flowers, Funeral Flowers, and Corporate Flowers. Next, break each of those down further into three further categories, e.g. Wedding flowers could break down to 1) table centres 2) bouquets and 3) seasons.

Now, break those down further, so for seasons, here’s 3 top blogs I would write:
1. Top 10 flowers for a winter wedding
2. 5 floral favourites for the summer season
3. How to care for your Autumn wedding flowers after the occasion has ended

If you do that for everything outlined above, that’s about a year’s worth of content!

10. Guest Blogs
If you are running a blog and you welcome guests, make sure that you set parameters so that the blogs are in keeping with your brand, offer value and the right call to action, without being too salesy.

11. White Paper Syndrome
If you are struggling with this ‘writers block’ then just start writing, and see where it takes you. This is ‘free writing’ and once you’ve done this, you can look back and see if there are any threads you can follow to create some compelling content.

12. Book Recommendation for Content Marketing
Marcus Sheridan, They Ask, You Answer.

13. Finally, if you would like to get on top of your content marketing and…….

a) Produce 90 days of content all in one go

b) Want the knowledge and tools to get the job done

c) See a vast improvement in the quality of your content


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