Re-makes that make you think differently….

When you’ve heard a song a thousand times before and feel NOTHING, and then you hear a re-make and it totally blows you away….

Just by changing up the way it is sung; the tempo; or the music, it can take on a WHOLE new meaning, and actually grab your attention like never before. Here are a couple of FANTASTIC examples:

1. From Dolly’s “I will Always Love You”, To Whitney’s “I will Always Love You”

Not sure what side you’d come down on, but I’m firmly in the Whitney camp! Wow… her version still gives me goose bumps.

2. 1950’s We Speak No Americano to the “Inbetweeners” Classic Dance Scene

Here’s the Original

And here’s the Remake

I’m sure you’ve got stacks of your own examples….

So what does that mean when it comes to Marketing?

Keeping with the same music theme… and as Bananarama sung….

“It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it…. that’s what gets results”.

You might be doing the right thing when it comes to your Marketing… but if you are not seeing the results you want, it might be time to change it up a bit, and do it differently.

In doing so, you might just get the “re-make” feeling I’ve described above.

Perhaps you need to tell your story differently… use new Marketing channels… use new creatives.

By giving a whole new experience to those that haven’t taken any notice yet, that could be the way to get your ideal customers taking action.

What can you do differently to see if it gets a whole new level of attention?

Victoria ????

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