All Star Marketing Blog
Tips, inspiration, advice and news from the marketing experts at All Star Marketing Club
I’ve been complaining about my weight recently. I’ve put on a dress size (OK two) since last Summer and nothing fits – but I can’t stop eating naughty things. Anyone feeling the same pain? Anyone…. please?!...
Last week, I booked flights for our Summer trip to Portugal. As we’re going with a small group, we’re opting for a Villa…. so I hopped onto HomeAway, as I’ve booked with them before, to search something out in...
This week I went to see Dream Girls in London with my friend Rachel. As we were going to be travelling back quite late, so we decided to stay over instead. I booked a cheap and cheerful hotel for us. When we...
I was on my way up to Winchester yesterday in the car, and I started listening to a new book on Audible called, “How To Have a Good Day”, by Caroline Webb. Three Chapters in… and she starts to explain what a...
You may be aware that over recent years Facebook have encountered a variety of negative press, ranging from accusations of failing to uphold its responsibility to reduce and eradicate, the distribution of fake...
As many of you know, we moved into our new office at the beginning of the year, and we’ve had the same broken printer sat here since that time. Broken. Kaput. No use. We’ve been using...
Earlier this month Instagram launched its new Name Tag feature, which is much like a QR code and also similar to Snapchat’s Snapcodes (although without the same extensive list of features as Snapchat). Whilst...
Not sure if this is normal, but this is reality in our house….. if I give my 6 year old boys access to the TV remote control, I can guarantee that when I walk back into the room, they will have found an...
On Thursday morning, as I was about to leave the house, I thought I had better quickly pop the dishwasher on. I’m not going to explain the detail of what happened next, because if you read the WhatsApp...
Specialist Marketing Training and Coaching experts, All Star Marketing Club expands, bringing growth opportunities to New Forest businesses. After successfully establishing their bespoke and highly effective,...
A few weeks ago, Mr V was away, and I had a VERY early morning visitor…. one of my sons coming in to wake me up at around 5.30am. He was sent back to bed, and was back in again at 6am. At this point, he...
Online reviews from customers about your business are extremely important and should feature significantly when it comes to your marketing strategy. Positive reviews help to build relationships with new...
The Ultimate Marketing Kick-Start Kit
In this 16-page guide, we walk you through 7 of the most important marketing strategies you need to have in place to grow your small business. Plus, we’ve included simple to follow and easy to action tasks, to help you get them implemented in your business right away!

On Demand Training
Kick-Start Your Marketing
Digital Marketing Domination Challenge
Pathway to 8K