I have a little tale to tell; where the take-out has HUGE IMPACT on any business when it comes to making the sale…..
My twins are 7, on 4th and 5th of May – yep, born 2 minutes apart, but either side of midnight.
And it’s that time in their life where their little baby teeth are gradually falling out. Each tooth leaves a huge gap, followed by an oversized tooth that looks far too big for their heads, where you can’t help but think to yourself “ahhhh, will they ever grow into it?”
We were chatting about this in the office the other day, and thought it rather amusing that a child is always so DESPERATE for their teeth to fall out… “so I can be like Isaac”… “because Luke has already lost both his front teeth”…. “and Harry got £2 for his front tooth.”
They sooooo want to follow the trend of their friends – even though their little gaps and giant teeth make you LOL just a bit!
THE TAKE-OUT: Here comes the business lesson from these little darlings…
Humans are like herd animals. We want to follow suit; especially when those that we deem to be just like us have taken the action before us, with a positive outcome. And just like children are excited to lose their teeth, so they are like their friends… we are the same when it comes to purchasing decisions.
As the old adage goes, “keeping up with the Jones’s” is very common! And it is a fact that people look for evidence as to why it would be a good purchase for them.
In fact 92% of people will hesitate on hitting a ‘buy now’ button if there’s a lack of strong evidence to show it as a good decision.
So that leaves me with a question to ask you…
How well are you providing the evidence to your customers, that buying from you is a smart decision?
Victoria ????
p.s. BEWARE (See Image):
Tooth Fairies are not what they used to be. I think she must have been on the Gin that night!