If you could bottle the feeling….

Personally, for me, there is nothing like:

  1. The taste of the first cup of tea in the morning and the “ahhhhhh” it demands on the first sip.
  2. The feeling when you come home after a long day, and the cleaner has been.
  3. The sense of achievement you feel when you clean out the junk cupboard or your wardrobe.
  4. The relief you feel when you think it’s a week day, and you realise it’s a Saturday.
  5. Getting in to a freshly changed bed.

Imagine if you could bottle those feelings!

When someone uses your product or service, in some shape or form, they do have an emotional reaction… just like my points above.

And here’s the thing….
The emotional part of our brain receives messages a millisecond before the rational part, which is why that first HIT of your Marketing messages must trigger that emotional response, before it is analysed by the rational part of the brain (the bit that looks at the features of a product and service).

In a nutshell… individuals receive hundreds of marketing messages every day and this really is the only way to cut through the noise.

So what does this mean to you?

Your job is to work out the emotion your customer will feel when they purchase or use your product or service – then describe that within your Marketing Messages, so that feeling is provoked even before they part with their cash!


Here’s a great Ted Talk to watch that will help to bring this to life. Enjoy. It’s one of my favourites.

Victoria ????


p.s. Need help with this? Our “Kick-Start Your Marketing Workshop” will help you work on your key marketing messages, plus much more. Find out more and book here.

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