How to ‘Bolt’ for Small Business Gold!

So, the Olympics are over.

No more fun filled hours, watching those talented, hardworking British athletes achieve amazing physical feats.

I felt so proud of our British team.

And at the same time I almost cried when I saw the extreme joy of the families of the likes of Laura Trott, Mo Farah or 16 year old Amy Tinker who won bronze in the gymnastics.

Running a small business can also move you between pride and tears most days. (ha ha, boo hoo).

Every day you bounce between extreme perseverance and extreme joy!

Unfortunately there is no gold medal at the end or that other colourful trinket, thing that they handed out to medal winners at Rio. (What was that?)

However, there is a lot we can learn from our Olympic Gold medal winners…

  1. You have to persevere. You can’t lose one race and throw away your chance of future success. Just like you can’t send out one email, go to one networking event, do one social media post and expect immediate results. You have to keep on going. One swallow does not make a summer. You have to do more, send more emails, more social media posts. The more people that are exposed to you, the more they will have you in mind when it comes to buying.
  2. The more you share your success, the more people follow you. If you can show that that you are really good at what you do, you are much more likely to attract interest in your business. The more examples of happy customers you can show, the more examples of happy customers you will get.
  3. Get known for doing one or two things really well. Usain Bolt is a great runner, fit and strong. But. He knows his strength is in the 100 & 200 metres. If you stay focused on delivering one or two products or services really really well it encourages customers to recommend you as the number one choice. And you can make your marketing efforts really focused, on those core products and services, therefore, you are more likely to succeed.
  4. Always keep learning from others who have tried, failed, tried and succeeded. It pays dividends. You don’t see any Olympic athletes out there without the help of a coach or trainer to guide them, push them on and stop them from repeating the mistakes of others. Make sure you take advice from experts.

The fact of the matter is that to win your own ‘Olympic Gold’ for what you do every day, it is all about perseverance, staying focused, accepting that sometimes you will fail and pushing on to smash your goals.

And if you want to wear lycra whilst you do all of this that is also fine!

For more ideas on how to promote your Small Business download our FREE guide ’20 winning ways to promote your small business’!

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