How to Beat your Biggest Competitor

First and Foremost, who is your Biggest Competitor?

You can probably run through a mental list of other local businesses or even big national products or services that you compete against.

But, it’s none of those.

Everyone’s biggest competitor is the same …


Whatever your Business… Your biggest competitor is that those customers that you are targeting DO Nothing.

They Do Nothing because they don’t know that your amazing product exists.

They Do Nothing because you are not nudging them to get around to buying.

They Do Nothing because they already have something or someone that does what you do (not as well) and they are in ‘inertia’. Just like those millions of people that stick with NatWest because in 1988 they offered teenagers pottery pigs if they took an account.

Yet, Do Nothing is the biggest competitor to steal from and easier than trying to swipe business from your neighbour or that big national. You just have to take action.

So how can you beat this faceless Competitor. Here’s 3 ideas you can do today:

  1. Use your database to send a ‘wake-up’ email, reminding all your contacts who you are, what you do and how you can add value to them.
  2. Write a Blog post/Facebook post/LinkedIn Post that showcases how you are forward thinking or solving the problems of other similar customers.
  3. Make an offer via email or on social media. Offer a free audit, advisory appointment or a discount on your product or service that will just nudge them into action.

DO NOTHING is one of the easiest competitors to beat. You just have to do SOMETHING!

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