Systems get results. This article shows a personal example of this. Ladies you’ll love it. Chaps? Do read if only for this: you will discover a win:win solution for spending less time traipsing around town centres with the woman in your life! Yippeeeeeee!
So here we go….
I hugely dislike shopping in the sales.
My little family and I went into West Quay in Southampton on 27th December for a browse (anyone else make that mistake?!). Pretty stressful really…. the queues to pay were ridiculous.
But the good news for me is that I had Personal Styling a few months ago (that’s the win:win guys, click here!).
Because of this Personal Styling session, I know exactly what suits and fits me well: styles, colour, fabrics, size. I know how to dress it up…. dress it down…. so that it’s all re-wearable and fits with my overall wardrobe.
So my point is… when I shop, I’m now like a machine!
It takes me at least half the time, and I definitely spend less money now. I focus on what is right for me, in the right places.
You could say, I have a SYSTEM.
A blueprint to follow. And EVEN BETTER…..
I have SYSTEMS at work too…. Because it also saves those precious commodities that we all lack within a small business…. Time and money.
(And ultimately, this avoids disappointing outcomes and results!)
So at All Star Marketing Club, when we design our services, speak to our customers, deliver our training course or spend time and money on Marketing….
… we do so in a systematic and focused way.
We know that to get the results we want, there is a certain formula to be used.
If you’d like to start implementing some of these magnificent formulas that get the best sort of results, Kick-Start Your Marketing is probably for you!