5 Marketing Must-Haves for Small Business Success

I am going to bet you One English Pound..

..that somewhere in the back of your mind if you own a small business or do the Marketing for one you have one of the following questions rumbling around:

…Am I doing enough Marketing?

…Am I doing the right Marketing?

…Do I actually need to do Marketing when I already have some great customers?

Or even…

…When will social media strangers stop telling me I can make £1 trillion overnight if I follow their Marketing plan that also happens to cost £1 trillion ?

The answer to all of those questions is that Marketing is a necessity if you want to grow your business because it is EVERYTHING you do to attract customers.

(By the way if none of those questions were in your head please contact me and I will send you that £1).

It takes time but the crux of the matter is that there are Marketing Must-Haves that you literally Must Have to get your Marketing working or it simply won’t…

  1. Set your Marketing Purpose with the rigour of a bride planning their wedding day.

What are you actually trying to achieve by promoting your Business. Do you want complete strangers to find your Business and buy from you? Do you want the customers you already have to spend a bit more with you? Do you want more of the customers that buy the stuff that is more profitable for you?

  1. Describe your PERFECT Customer like it’s an eye witness testimony.

Unless you have an endless pot of money to spend on hoping someone will buy from you it is vital that you describe who your perfect customer is. Is it a man or a woman, where are they, what is their lifestyle, where do they spend their money? If you are after business customers, what is their job title, their industry, their location?

  1. Know where those PERFECT customers are ‘hanging’ like a parent stalking their teenager.

This is essential if you want to speak to your prospects. Are they on Facebook or Linkedin? Are they reading trade magazines, local free mags? Are they at business events, exhibitions, networking events?

  1. Plan what are going to say to turn the head of those potential customers, like that 1 minute with George Clooney or Cameron Diaz you are definitely going to get…one day..

What is it that your Business can do for them, like no-one else can? Why are you the obvious choice? What can you say that shows the benefit to them choosing you? Why are you a risk-free choice?

  1. Keep them interested in you so when the time comes to buy they are like a best friend returning a favour.

Not everyone can buy or make the decision to be your customer right now so make sure you are still in their mind when the time comes. Send them regular emails or newsletters. You can even give them a call from time to time or offer a free taster so that when the time comes to buy you are at the forefont of their mind.

By getting these Marketing Must-Haves in place you will ensure that you are placing your precious time, money and effort in a place to return the sales, the customers, the profits you need!

Keep Marketing, never stop, it creates customers!
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