3 Facebook Myths Dispelled

Whether you are a big ‘LIKE’ for Facebook, or a big ‘UNLIKE’, one thing is for sure…

When it comes to Facebook for Business, it’s a super duper powerful platform.

In fact, over the last 6 months, it has proven to be one of our best providers of data. That to us means leads that we can nurture outside of Facebook – which means it’s a great source of actual customers… you know, the paying kind!

So, I’d like to dispel a few myths on this little gem of a Social Media platform, before helping you to get the answer to a very important question. I shall reveal more on that soon.

Myth #1: Facebook is NOT for businesses that sell to other businesses.

Oh yes it is! There are 40 million Small Businesses on Facebook. And better still, with Facebook’s ability to do rather fab targeting, you can pinpoint these and get YOUR message in front of them.

Plus, even the larger businesses are there too – and if they don’t have a company page, their staff are there, who kindly give you their job titles. Want HR Directors? Yep, you can find them. Want Finance Directors? Those too.

And that goes for those of you out there that sell to individuals. Want to target the friends of someone that just got engaged? You can do it. Want to target mums of three year olds. Yep, you can do that too.

Myth #2: You have to pay to advertise to get any level of success.

To a degree, yes. Facebook will only share your posts to a big proportion of those people that like your business page if it is seen to be valuable to them. They assess these predominantly by the number of people that like, comment and share it. So unless your content is ‘totes awesome’ then pay to play, you must. But the good news? It’s low cost and very good.

Myth #3: Using Facebook for Business is a full time job.

It can be. If you let it gobble you up. You need to make it work around you. Really, it’s about setting out a simple plan, and sticking to it. And that plan needs to be about turning strangers into customers. There’s a formula for doing that and we know it well!

So explore Facebook and make it work for your business. Your audience are there. You don’t need lots of time. And it will make customers for you if you do it right ????

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