Monthly Archives: April 2018

What Dr Jack Said… Communicating In Stories (And a FREE Online Masterclass!)

My 5-year-old son, Dr Jack, has today diagnosed me with a VERY problematic and extensive set of ailments. I have: A bug in my knee A Heart temperature of 85 A BIG problem in my right ear A bad arm. A very bad arm. Plus I need two fillings and he’s going to take me to the dentist this weekend. But don’t worry… I am fine because I’ve had several injections, where he has forcefully jabbed his plastic needle into various places on my body, including my chest, ear, arms and right armpit. So here’s the thing… Through play, Jack is simply re-telling the story of our family drama of the week….My dad’s 4th knee operation, due to a very nasty infection (he’s on the mend now too!). You see, we all communicate in stories. That’s just the way life is, and it …

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A Little Progress Every Day Adds Up to BIG Results

“A Little Progress Every Day Adds Up to BIG Results”. As I sat at my desk this morning, I was pondering the meaningful actions I’ve taken this week…. And the reality is, there wasn’t a Silver Bullet, but there has certainly been lots of progress that will all contribute to the results in the business. One of my successes this week?  I’ve made great headway in our GDPR compliance, and writing our processes. It’s not brought in buckets of business, but the reality is that it’s important to the continuity of my business success. So sometimes, I don’t think we give ourselves enough credit when we are too busy looking forward and not actually stopping and congratulating ourselves on the great accomplishments – however small. For me, when someone succeeds, it can be incredibly inspiring. And it often sews a …

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